- tadanga-pahāna: 'overcoming by the opposite', is one of the 5 kinds of overcoming (pahāna).
- tadārammana-citta
- taints: āsava.
- talk, low: tiracchāna-kathā.
- tanhā
- tanhā-kkhaya: 'extinction of craving', is identical with 'extinction of cankers' (āsavakkhaya) and the attainment of perfect Holiness or Arahantship. Cf. ariya-puggala.
- tanhā-nissita-sīla: 'morality based on craving' (s. nissaya).
- tathāgata
- tathāgata-bala: the 'ten powers of the Perfect One'; s. dasa-bala.
- tathatā
- tatra-majjhattatā
- tāvatimsa: 'the Thirty-three (Gods)', a class of heavenly beings in the sensuous sphere; s. deva (I).
- te-cīvarik'anga: 'practice of the three-robber', is one of the ascetical means for purification (dhutanga).
- tejo-dhātu: 'fire-element, heat-element'; s. dhātu.
- tejo-kasina: 'fire-kasina', is one of the 10 kasina exercises; s. kasina.
- temperature: utu. - For corporeality produced by temperature, s. samutthāna.
- tendencies: anusaya.
- terror, awareness of: one of the insight-knowledge; s. visuddhi VI. 3.
- te-vijja
- theravāda
- thīna-middha
- thinking, wisdom based on: cintāmayapaññā: s. paññā.
- thiti-bhāgiya-sīla, -samādhi, -paññā: 'static morality, static concentration, static wisdom'; s. hāna-bhāgiya-sīla.
- thought, thought-conception: s. vitakka.
- thought, Right: sammā-sankappa; .s. sacca, magga.
- ties, the 4: gantha.
- ti-hetu-patisandhika: s. patisandhi.
- ti-lakkhana
- ti-pitaka
- tiracchāna-kathā
- tiracchāna-yoni: 'animal womb'; birth as animal. The animal kingdom belongs to the sensuous world (s. loka), is one of the 4 lower worlds (s. apāya) and one of the 3 woeful courses of existence (s. gati).
- tīrana-pariññā: 'full understanding by investigating'; s. pariññā.
- ti-ratana
- ti-sarana
- titthāyatana
- torpor: thīna, s. thīna-middha.
- training, the 3-fold: sikkhā. - The steps of: sikkhāpada.
- trance: jhāna.
- tranquillity (of mind): s. samatha, samatha-vipassanā, bhāvanā, bojjhanga. - 'One who has taken t. as his vehicle': samathayānika.
- tranquilisation, Overcoming (of defilements) by way of: s. pahāna.
- transference of merit: patti-dāna.
- transformation, power of: s. iddhi.
- transitoriness: anicca.
- treasures, the 7: s. dhana.
- tree: Living under a tree is one of the ascetical practices (dhutanga).
- truths, the 4 Noble: sacca. - 2-fold knowledge of the t.; s. saccañāna.
- turning away, contemplation of the: vivattanupassanā; s. vipassanā.
- tusita: a class of heavenly beings in the sensuous plane; s. deva (1).
- twin miracle: yamaka-pātihāriya.