- janaka-kamma: 'regenerative karma'; s. karma.
- jarā: 'old age, decay', is one of the 3 divine messengers (s. deva-dūta). For its conditioning by birth, s. paticcasamuppāda (11).
- jāti
- javana
- jewels. The 3: ti-ratana.
- jhāna
- jhānanga: 'constituents (or factors) of absorption'; s. prec.
- jhāna-paccaya, is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya).
- jīva
- jīvita and jīvitindriya: 'Life, vitality', may be either physical (rūpa-jīvitindriya) or mental (nāma-jīvitindriya). The latter is one of the mental factors inseparably associated with all consciousness; cf. nāma, cetanā, phassa.
- jīvita-navaka-kalāpa: nine-fold vital group; s. rūpa-kalāpa.
- joy: somanassa. - Altruistic j. = muditā (s. brahma-vihāra).