ignorance: avijjā ; further s.
ill-humour, heavenly beings who come to grief through:
mano-padosika-deva .
ill-will: vyāpāda , is a synonym of dosa
(s. mūla ) and patigha and is one of
the 10 fetters (samyojana ), 5
hindrances (nīvarana ) and 10
unwholesome courses of action (s. kammapatha ,
image, mental: s. nimitta ,
samādhi , kasina .
immaterial sphere: arūpāvacara: cf.
avacara ,
jhāna (5-8); Tab. I.
immaterial world: arūpa-loka; s. loka .
immediacy: an alternative rendering for contiguity-condition,
samanatara-paccaya, which is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya )
immediate, the: ānantariya .
immortality: s. amata .
imperfections: s. upakkilesa .
impermanence: anicca . -
Contemplation of i., cf. vipassanā
impersonality of existence: s. anattā .
- Contemplation of: s. vipassanā (3).
imperturbable karma-formations: āneñjābhisankhāra;
s. sankhāra .
impression, sensorial or mental: phassa .
impulsion: javana .
impurities: s. upakkilesa .
impurity of the body, contemplation of the: s.
asubha ,
sīvathikā .
inclinations: s. anusaya .
independently enlightened:
Pacceka-Buddha .
indifferent feeling cf. vedanā ,
upekkhā .
individual: puggala .
indriya-paccaya: s. paccaya 16.
indriya-samvara-sīla: 'morality consisting of purity of restraint of
the senses'; s. sīla .
indriyesu gutta-dvāratā: 'guarding the sense-doors' is identical with
sense-control (indriya-samvara; s.
sīla ).
in-and-out-breathing, watching over:
ānāpāna-sati .
inducement: an alternative rendering for decisive-support condition,
upanissaya , is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya ).
indulging (in joy, sadness etc.): s.
manopavicāra .
ineffective karma: s. karma .
infatuation: cf. mada , moha (s.
mūla ), avijjā .
inference of meaning: an 'expression the meaning of which is to be
inferred': neyyattha-dhamma . -
Antonym: 'expression with an established meaning': nītattha-dhamma.
inferiority-conceit: s. māna .
influxes (cankers), the 4: āsava .
inoperative consciousness, karmically; s.
kiriyacitta .
inseparable mental factors, the 7 i. m. f. in all
consciousness: s. cetanā ,
phassa , nāma .
insight: cf. paññā, vipassanā ,
ñāna .
intelligent-natured: s. carita .
intention: chanda .
interest: pīti ; cf.
Tab. II .
intimation: cf. viññatti .
intoxicants: s. āsava .
intoxicating drinks, the evil effect of taking: s.
surāmeraya .
investigating function (of consciousness):
santīrana ;
s. viññāna-kicca .
issā : 'envy', is a karmically unwholesome
(akusala) mental factor, which is occasionally associated with hate-rooted
consciousness (s.
Tab. I. 30, 31 ). Explained in
Pug. 55.
itthindriya: 'femininity'; s. bhāva .