- habitual karma: bahula-kamma: s. karma.
- hadaya-vatthu
- hāna-bhāgiya-sīla
- happiness, feeling of h.: s. sukha. - The idea of h. (of the world), s. vipallāsa.
- happy courses of existence: s. gati.
- harmlessness: s. avihimsā.
- hasituppāda-citta
- hate-rooted consciousness: s. Tab. I. (30, 31).
- hate-natured: dosa-carita; s. carita.
- health-infatuation: s. mada.
- hearer (disciple): sāvaka.
- heat-element: tejo-dhātu; s. dhātu.
- hell: niraya.
- hetu
- higher wisdom: clear insight based on h. w.: s. vipassanā. Training in H. W., s. sikkhā.
- highest knowledge: s. aññā.
- hindrances, the 5: nīvarana.
- hiri-ottappa
- homelessness, going into pabbajjā (q.v.). Cf. Progress of the disciple.
- human world: cf. loka, gati.