yathā-bhūta-ñāna-dassana: 'the knowledge and vision according to
reality', is one of the 18 chief kinds of insight (vipassanā).
yathākammūpaga-ñāna: 'knowledge of rebirth according to one's
actions'; s. abhiññā (4).
yathāsanthatik'anga: 'the practice of being satisfied with whatever
dwelling', is one of the ascetical means of purification; s. dhutanga
yoga: 'yokes, bonds', is another name for the 4
cankers (āsava) .
yogāvacara = yogi: 'one devoted to mental training,' is in Vis.M. the
usual name for the disciple cultivating mental concentration (App.).
yokes: yoga, q.v.
yoni: 'modes of generation.' There are 4 generation
from the egg, from the mother's womb, from moisture, and spontaneous rebirth
(opapātika) in heaven, hell, etc.
Explained in M.12.
yoniso manasikāra: 'thorough attention' or wise consideration': s.