paccavekkhana-suddhi: 'purity of reflection', is a name for wise
consideration in using the 4 requisites allowed to the monk, i.e. robes, food,
dwelling, and medicine; s. sīla (4).
pāguññatā: 'proficiency', namely, of mental
concomitants (kāya-pāguññatā), and of consciousness
are 2 mental phenomena associated with all wholesome consciousness. Cf.
Tab. II.
pakati-sīla: 'natural or genuine morality',
is distinct from those outward rules of conduct laid down for either laymen or
monks. Those later are the so-called 'prescribed morality' (paññāttisīla).
Cf. sīla.
pakati-upanissaya: 'direct inducement'; s. paccaya.
pañhā-byākarana: 'answering questions'.
"There are, o monks, 4 ways of answering questions: there are questions
requiring a direct answer; questions requiring an explanation; questions to be
answered by counter-questions; questions to be rejected (as wrongly put)." See
D.33; A.III.68; A.IV.42.
paññatti-sīla: 'prescribed morality', is a
name for the disciplinary rules of the monk or layman prescribed by the
Buddha, as distinguished from natural or genuine morality (pakati-sīla;
s. sīla).
paranimmita-vasavatti-deva: 'heavenly beings with power over the
productions of others', constitute a class of heavenly beings in the sensuous
sphere (kāma-loka). Māra is
said to be their ruler. Cf.loka,
deva I.
parassa ceto-pariya-ñāna: 'penetration of the mind of others', is one
of the higher powers (abhiññā).
paricchinnākāsa-kasina: 'limited-space kasina' = space kasina; s.
kasina. (App.).
pasāda-rūpa: 'sensitive corporeality', is a
name for the 5 physical sense-organs responding to sense-stimuli. Cf. āyatana.
passaddhi-sambojjhanga: 'tranquillity, as factor of enlightenment',
consists in tranquillity of mental factors (kāya-passaddhi)
and tranquillity of consciousness (citta-passaddhi). Cf. bojjhanga;
further Tab. II.
patched-up robes, the practice of wearing: is one of the ascetic rules
of purification (dhutanga).
path and not-path, the knowledge and vision regarding: s.
visuddhi (V).
pathavī-dhātu: 'earth-element'. or 'solid element'. It is cognizable
through the sensations of pressure, touch, cold, heat. pain, etc. - About the
4 elements. s. dhātu,
khandha (I. A.).
patisandhipatisankhāna-bala and
patisankhānupassanā-ñāna: 'knowledge consisting in reflective
contemplation"; is one of the 9 knowledges constituting the 'purification by
knowledge and vision of the path-progress' (patipadā-ñānadassanavisuddhi;
s. visuddhi VI), and one of the 18 chief
kinds of insight (mahāvipassanā;
s. vipassanā).
patta-pindik'anga: the 'exercise of the bowl-eater', is one of the 13
ascetic purification-exercises (dhutanga),
consisting in the vow of using only the alms-bowl for eating, and the
rejection of any other vessel.