nānatta-saññā: The 'variety (or multiformity) - perceptions are
explained under jhāna.
ñāna-vipphārā iddhi: the 'power of penetrating knowledge', is one of
the magical powers (iddhi).
ñāta-pariññā: 'full understanding (or comprehension) of the known', is
one of the 3 kinds of full understanding (pariññā).
natthika-ditthi: 'nihilistic view' (a doctrine that all values are
baseless, that nothing is knowable or can be communicated, and that life
itself is meaningless), s. ditthi.
natthi-paccaya: 'absence-condition', is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya).
neutral, karmically: avyākata (q.v.); n. feelings, s.
n'eva-saññā-n'āsaññāyatana: The 'sphere of
neither-perception-nor-non-perception', is the name for the fourth absorption
of the immaterial sphere (arūpāvacara), a semi-conscious state, which
is surpassed only by the state of complete suspense of consciousness, called
'attainment of extinction' (nirodha-samāpatti).
See jhāna
n'eva-sekha-n'āsekha: 'neither in training nor beyond training', i.e.
neither learner nor master. Thus is called the worldling (puthujjana),
for he is neither pursuing the 3-fold training (sikkhā)
in morality, mental culture and wisdom, on the level of the first 3 paths of
sanctity, nor has he completed his training as an Arahat. See sekha. - (App.).
nibbatti: 'arising', 'rebirth', is a synonym for patisandhi.
nibbedha-bhāgiya-sīla (-samādhi, -paññā): 'morality
(concentration, wisdom) connected with penetration'; s. hāna-bhāgiya-sīla.
nibbidānupassanā-ñāna: 'contemplation of aversion', is one of the 18
chief kinds of insight; s. vipassanā
(4), samatha-vipassanā
(2), visuddhi (VI, 5).
nicca-saññā (-citta,-ditthi): perception (or consciousness, or
view) of permanency, is one of the 4 perversions (vipallāsa).
nissaya-paccaya: 'support', base, foundation, is one of the 24
conditions (s. paccaya, 8).
nītattha-dhamma: A 'doctrine with evident meaning', contrasted with a
'doctrine with a meaning to be inferred' (neyyattha-dhamma).
See also paramattha.
no-upādā-rūpa: 'underived corporeality', designates the 4 primary
elements (mahābhūta or dhātu), as
distinguished from the 'derived corporeality' (upādā-rūpa), such as the
sensitive organs, etc. Cf.khandha, I.
nutriment: s. ojā, āhāra. - āhāra
is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya) -
n.- produced corporeality; s. samutthāna.