- lahutā:
- lakkhana: 'characteristics'. For the 3 ch. of existence, s. ti-lakkhana.
- law: dhamma.
- learning, wisdom based on: s. paññā.
- liberality: dāna, cāga.
- liberation: s. vimokkha.
- life-infatuation: s. mada.
- light, perception of: s. āloka-saññā.
- light-kasina: s. kasina.
- lightness (of corporeality, mental factors and consciousness): lahutā.
- loathsomeness (of the body): s. asubha, sivathikā, kāyagatāsati.
- lobha: 'greed', is one of the 3 unwholesome roots (mūla) and a synonym of rāga and tanhā.
- lobha-carita: 'greedy-natured', s. carita.
- lofty consciousness: s. sobhana.
- lohita-kasina: 'red-kasina', s. kasina.
- loka
- loka-dhamma: 'worldly conditions'. "Eight things are called worldly conditions, since they arise in connection with worldly life, namely: gain and loss, honour and dishonour, happiness and misery, praise and blame" (Vis.M. XXII). Cf. also A.VIII.5.
- lokiya
- lokuttara
- loving-kindness: mettā; s. brahmavihāra.
- lower fetters, the 5: s. samyojana.
- lower worlds, the 4: apāya.
- low speech: tiracchāna-kathā.
- lust: s. rāga.