- ubhato-bhāga-vimutta
- uccheda-ditthi: 'annihilation-view'; s. ditthi.
- udayabbayānupassanā-ñāna: 'knowledge consisting in the contemplation of rise and fall', is the first of the 9 insight-knowledges constituting the purification by knowledge and vision of the path-progress'. For details, s. visuddhi VI.1.
- uddhacca
- uddhambhāgiya-samyojana: the 5 'higher fetters'; s. samyojana.
- uddhamsota-akanitthagāmī: 'passing upstream to the highest gods', is one of the 5 kinds of Non-returners (anāgāmī).
- uggaha-nimitta: s. nimitta.
- ugghatitaññu
- ujukatā: (kāya-, citta- ): 'uprightness' (of mental factors and of consciousness), is associated with all pure consciousness. Cf. Tab. II.
- unconditioned, the: asankhata. - Contemplation of the u. (= animitta); s. vipassanā.
- unconscious beings: asaññā-satta.
- understanding: s. ditthi, ñāna, paññā, pariññā. - Right u., s. magga (1). sacca (IV.1).
- unit: s. kalāpa, rūpa-kalāpa.
- unprepared, unprompted: s. asankhārika-citta.
- unshakable deliverance: s. cetto-vimutti.
- unshakable one, the: akuppa-dhamma.
- unthinkable things, the 4: acinteyya.
- unwholesome, karmically: akusala.
- upacāra: 'moment of access'; s. javana.
- upacāra-samādhi: 'neighbourhood or access-concentration', is the degree of concentration just before entering any of the absorptions, or jhānas. It still belongs to the sensuous sphere (kāmāvacara; s. avacara).
- upacaya, rūpassa: 'growth of corporeality'; s. khandha I; App.
- upacchedaka-kamma: 'destructive karma'; s. karma.
- upādāna
- upādāna-kkhandha: the 5 'groups of clinging', or more clearly stated in accordance with Vis.M., 'the 5 groups of existence which form the objects of clinging'. Cf. M. 44, and see khandha.
- upādā-rūpa: 'derived corporeality', signifies the 24 secondary corporeal phenomena dependent on the 4 primary physical elements, i.e. the sense-organs and sense-objects, etc. See khandha I; App.
- upadhi
- upādi
- upādinna-rūpa
- upaghātaka-kamma: 'destructive karma'; s. karma.
- upahacca-parinibbāyī: 'one who reaches Nibbāna within the first half of life', is one of the 5 kinds of Anāgāmī (q.v.).
- upakkilesa
- upanissaya-paccaya: 'decisive support' or 'inducement', is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya).
- upapajja-vedanīya-kamma: 'karma ripening in the next birth'; s. karma.
- upapatti-bhava: 'rebirth-process'; s. bhava.
- upapīlaka-kamma: 'suppressive kamma'; s. karma.
- upāsaka
- upasamānussati
- upāsikā: 'female adherent'; s. upāsaka.
- upatthambhaka-kamma: 'supportive karma'; s. karma.
- upavicāra: s. manopavicāra.
- upekkhā
- upekkhā-ñāna = sankhārupekkhā-ñāna.
- upekkhā-sambojjhanga: 'equanimity as factor of enlightenment'; s. bojjhanga.
- upekkhā-sukha: 'equanimous happiness,' is the feeling of happiness accompanied by a high degree of equanimity (upekkhā) as, e.g. in the 3rd absorption (jhāna).
- upekkhā-vedanā: s. vedanā.
- upekkhindriya: the 'faculty of indifference', is one of the 5 elements of feeling (M.115) and therefore not to be confounded with the ethical quality 'equanimity', also called upekkhā.
- upekkhopavicāra: 'indulging in indifference'; s. manopavicāra.
- uposatha
- uprightness: ujukatā.
- upstream to the highest gods, passing: s. anāgāmī.
- usages, the 4 noble: ariya-vamsa.
- utu: temperature, heat, is identical with the heat-element (tejodhātu).
- utu-samutthāna (- utuja)-rūpa: 'corporeality produced by temperature'; s. samutthāna.