- animitta-ceto-vimutti: s. ceto-vimutti.
- animittānupassanā: s. vipassanā.
- animitta-vimokkha: s. vimokkha.
- añña: 'other', being of the opposite category.
- aññā
- aññāmañña-paccaya: 'mutuality-condition,' is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya).
- aññātāvindriya: 'the faculty of one who knows'; s. indriya 22.
- aññindriya: 'the faculty of highest knowledge'; s. aññā and indriya 21.
- anottappa: s. ahirika.
- answering questions: 4 ways of: s. pañhā-byākarana.
- antarā-parinibbāyī: is one of the 5 kinds of Non-Returners or Anāgāmī.
- antinomies: s. ditthi.
- anuloma-citta
- anuloma-ñāna
- anupādisesa-nibbāna: see Nibbāna, upādi.
- anupassanā
- anupubba-nirodha
- anupubba-vihāra
- ānupubbī-kathā
- anurakkhana-padhāna: the 'effort to maintain' wholesome states; s. padhāna.
- anusaya
- anussati
- aparāpariya-vedanīya-kamma: 'karma bearing fruits in later births'; s. karma.
- aparihāna-dhamma
- aparihāniya-dhamma
- apāya
- āpo-dhātu: 'water-element'; s. dhātu.
- appamāda
- appamānābha: a kind of heavenly being; s. deva, (II).
- appamāna-ceto-vimutti: s. ceto-vimutti.
- appamāna-subha: a kind of heavenly being: s. deva (II).
- appamaññā: The 4 'Boundless States', identical with brahma-vihāra.
- appanā-samādhi
- appanihita-vimokkha: s. vimokkha.
- appanihitānupassanā: s. vipassanā.
- appendants, The 3: kiñcana.
- appicchatā: 'having only few wishes', contentedness, is one of the indispensable virtues of the monk; cf. A.X.181-190, and ariyavamsa.
- apuññābhisankhāra: s. sankhāra.
- Arahat and arahatta-magga,-phala: s. ariya-puggala.
- ārammana
- ārammanādhipati, ārammanupanissaya: s. paccaya.
- āraññikanga: The 'exercise of the forest-dweller', is one of the ascetic purification-exercises (dhutanga).
- arising and vanishing (of things). The knowledge consisting in the contemplation of; s. visuddhi (VI. 1.).
- ariya-iddhi: s. iddhi.
- ariya-magga: s. foll.
- ariya-puggala or ariya
- ariya-sacca: The Four 'Noble Truths'; s. sacca.
- ariya-vamsa
- ariya-vihāra: s. vihāra.
- arūpa-bhava: s. bhava, loka.
- arūpa-jjhāna: - s. jhāna.
- arūpa-kkhandha: The four 'immaterial groups' of existence are: feeling, perception, mental formations, consciousness; s. khandha.
- arūpāvacara: s. avacara.
- āruppa: s. jhāna.
- asankhāra-parinibbāyī: The 'one reaching Nibbāna without exertion', is one of the five classes of Non-Returners (Anāgāmī)
- asankhārika-citta
- asankhata: The 'Unformed, Unoriginated, Unconditioned' is a name for Nibbāna, the beyond of all becoming and conditionality.
- asañña-satta
- āsava
- āsavakkhaya: see above.
- ascending insight: s. vutthāna-gāminī-vipassanā.
- ascetic purification practices: s. dhutanga.
- asekha
- āsevana-paccaya: 'repetition', is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya).
- asmi-māna
- assāsa-passāsa
- association: sampayutta-paccaya, is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya).
- asubha
- asura: 'demons', titans, evil ghosts, inhabiting one of the lower worlds (apāya).
- atappa
- atimāna: 'superiority-conceit'; s. māna.
- attā
- attachments: s. parāmāsa.
- atta-ditthi (-vāda): 'ego-belief', 'personality-belief', s. ditthi.
- attainment-concentration: appanā-samādhi; s. samādhi.
- attainments, 'The 8 a.'; s. samāpatti.
- atta-kilamatha
- atta-saññā (°citta, °ditthi): 'perception (consciousness, view) of an ego', is one of the 4 perversions (vipallāsa).
- atta-vādupādāna: 'attachment to the ego-belief', is one of the 4 kinds of clinging (upādāna).
- attention: s. manasikāra.
- attentiveness, attention, mindfulness; s. sati, satipatthāna.
- atthangika-magga: The 'Eightfold Path'; s. magga.
- attha-patisambhidā: The 'analytical knowledge of meaning', is one of the 4 kinds of analytical knowledge (patisambhidā).
- atthi-paccaya: 'presence', is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya) .
- auditory organ: s. āyatana.
- avacara
- āvajjana
- aversion (from existence), contemplation of: s. vipassanā (VI . 5)
- Avīci is the name of one of the most frightful hells (niraya).
- avigata-paccaya: 'non-disappearance', is one of the 24 conditions (paccaya).
- aviha
- avihimsā
- avijjā
- avikkhepa
- avoidance and performance: s. cāritta, etc. - The effort to avoid, s. padhāna.
- avyākata
- avyāpāda
- awakenment: s. bodhi.
- āyatana
- āyūhana