Talking with Beau, I realised that I’ve worked on a similar project many years ago. His idea is to create a sort of “platfrom” to bring the Buddha’s teaching to a wider public and make it very accesible and practicle. Allowing people to get familliar with the Dhamma in a non traditionally focus way.

A New Branch ?

Create a course for begginers. There is the Suttavada that is starting to emerge as a new branch now. See Suttavada Fundation

Using a mandala Symbol. I’ve design the “Magga Stupa” which can be used.

Theravada Video Project (TVP)

Creating next generation video material, similar to Veritasium. Like this video.

Another good inspiration is Ajahn Sona Youtube Chanel.

Sangha App

An old project I had with a programmer. Creating an App that allow meditators (or Dhamma enthousiastic) to find each other in the real workd.

Below is an old draft of a similar project in a Vipassana Center.